Herts Baseball Club is dependent on the support of its members, sponsors, partners and fans to continue to build, grow and improve the Club.
Basing Hill Ballpark Project

We are currently raising funds for Basing Hill Ballpark which is the club’s branch in North West London. The project involves levelling and resurfacing the damaged playing field with new grass to make it suitable for baseball and then adding the infrastructure to develop it into a ballpark where kids and adults can play baseball and enjoy organised events and food in the park. In August 2021 our crowdfunding campaign raised over £21,000 on Spacehive for the first phase of the project. We are now looking to fund Phase 2 which involves the installation of the backstop, pitching mound and infield clay areas.
You can help us to achieve this. Donate now using the payment options shown below. No contribution is too small.
Make a one-off donation by Direct Debit (click your preferred amount below)
Make a one-off donation by Debit or Credit Card or by PayPal (click button below)
Herts Baseball Club is registered with the UK Tax Authorities as a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC). If you are a UK tax payer, fill out this GiftAid Declaration and our club can claim back 28% more on your donation. If you are not a UK tax payer or you don’t want to apply GiftAid to your donation, you do not have to fill this form.
Contributions between £1,001-£10,000
(June 2008): Awards For All – Herts Baseball Club is grateful and honoured to be the beneficiaries of a generous £10,000 national grant from Awards For All. The funds were used to construct a permanent outfield fence for both diamonds at Grovehill Ballpark.
(September 2009): Sport England / BSUK – Herts Baseball Club was successful in applying for Equipment and Facilities Grants awarded by Sport England and administered by BaseballSoftballUK. The grant funds helped to level the second baseball diamond at Grovehill Ballpark.
(July 2009) Dacorum Olympic & Paralimpic Fund. The £5,000 grant received played a key role in funding the creation of the second baseball diamond at Grovehill Ballpark enabling the club to accommodate the rising number of youth and adult members joining Herts Baseball.
Contributions between £501-£1000
(January 2008): Scotthall Watford BMW has joined our All-Star Sponsor platoon as a significant contributor to the HBC Development Fund and our 2008-09 Field Development Project.
Contributions between £251-£500
(February 2010): Hertfordshire Community Trust awarded Herts Baseball Club at £500 grant to fund Level 1 Baseball Coach Award training for eight club coaches.
(March 2008): Scotthall Watford MINI made a generous contribution to our youth programme, and are now the official sponsor of Herts Little League.
Contributions between £101-£250
(December 2008): Kodit Ltd. provided funds to aid the Herts adult programme in its 2008-09 indoor winter training.
(March 2008 / November 2007/January 2011): Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) made a generous contribution to Herts Baseball as part of RBS’ Community Cashback Awards Programme on the basis of the contribution from our member, Tim Elkins.
Contributions between £1-£100
(May 2008): Beer & Food Festival Sponsors – Several businesses contributed generously to this special fundraising event. Tesco (Hemel Hempstead), Asda (Hemel Hempstead), Waitrose (Berkhamsted), and Altered Image hair salon (Berkhamsted) all provided exciting raffle prizes for the festival attendees.