Herts publishes AGM details

Herts publishes AGM details


In accordance with the Club’s Constitution, this is a notice of the upcoming 27th Annual General Meeting of Herts Baseball Club.  The AGM will take place as follows:
Sunday, 26 November 2023

10:30am (AGM expected to end at around 12:30pm-1:00pm)

This year’s AGM will be held online via Zoom. Club members will receive an email with details how to join the Zoom call.

Under the Club’s Constitution, members under the age of 14 on 31 December 2023 are classified as Junior Members and do not have voting rights at General Meetings. Regardless of this, if you are under the age of 14, you and your parents are very much invited to attend the AGM, especially as so many of the parents of our youth members are involved as players, coaches, volunteers and members of staff.
Although only 2023 club members have the right to vote at this AGM, the meeting is very much open to potential new members who are considering joining the club in 2024.  This is a good opportunity for new players, volunteers and members of staff to learn more about the club and meet its members.  If you fall into this category and wish to attend the AGM, please contact the club.
The meeting is also open to relevant observers who are not members of the Club. If you fall into this category and wish to attend the AGM please contact the club.
Ahead of the meeting, the AGM Information Pack will be sent out to 2023 members. It will include information such as the AGM agenda, 2023 annual report, election details and more. 
In accordance with the Constitution, a number of Board positions will be up for election at the upcoming AGM either as part of the annual retirement of one-third of the Board positions or because they are vacant.
The club is now inviting nominations for the following board positions:  
BOARD POSITIONS (appointment term in brackets)

  • President (term ends 31.10.2025)
  • Treasurer (term ends 31.10.2024)
  • Secretary (term ends 31.10.2025)
  • Communications Director (term ends 31.10.2026)
  • IT Director (term ends 31.10.2026)
  • Facilities Manager – Grovehill (term ends 31.10.2025)
  • Facilities Manager – Basing Hill (term ends 31.10.2026)
  • Manager (Double-A)2 Ducks (term ends 31.10.2026)
  • Manager (Single-A)2 Raptors (term ends 31.10.2026)
  • Manager (Single-A)2 Eagles (term ends 31.10.2025)
  • Director of Youth Baseball (term ends 31.10.2026)
  • Head of U15-Hemel (term ends 31.10.2024)
  • Head of U13-Hemel (term ends 31.10.2026)
  • Head of U11-Hemel (term ends 31.10.2025)
  • Head of U15-London (term ends 31.10.2024)
  • Head of U13-London (term ends 31.10.2024)
  • Head of U11-London (term ends 31.10.2026
  • Head of Softball (term ends 31.10.2026)


2 The leagues which Herts teams will enter in 2024 will not be known until after the AGM. The Club may also decide to add or remove teams from the BBF leagues depending on the number of players registering for 2024. If the club enters fewer teams than expected, one or more of these board positions may be removed after the AGM.
Current Board members are eligible to stand for re-election. All members are invited to consider any of the Board positions and put their names forward for one or several of them. 
Being a board Member is an excellent opportunity to be involved in shaping the future of Herts Baseball Club. If you are considering applying for any of the positions, but are unsure about it, you can get in touch with current or past board members who can give you more information about what the role involves and what to expect, if elected. If you require more information about any of the above board positions please contact the club.
If you decide to run for any of these board positions please confirm your candidacy by posting a message in the Herts Baseball Online Forum. If you have difficulties accessing the forum with your username and password please contact the club.
The Secretary may receive nominations for officers not less than 3 (three) days before the date of the meeting. Nominations shall require two votes (nominated and seconded). Nominations can only be accepted from persons eligible to vote at the AGM. To nominate or to second a candidate, post in the Herts Baseball online Forum.


It is not compulsory and over the years we have not insisted that board candidates provide a candidate’s statement but, if you are running for election and would like to provide a candidate’s statement with no more than 500 words, please submit it to the club by 22:00 Wednesday, 22 November 2023, and it will be added to the AGM Pack.
Ahead of the Board elections, a reminder that, in consideration of the time and effort which Board members give in performing their Board roles and which effectively means that they are unable to enjoy the full benefit of their membership, they will be entitled to a membership fee rebate. The Board reviews the rebate system from time to time. Here is an example of how it is likely to be applied during the upcoming season:

  •  members of the Board are expected to be entitled to a rebate of around 50% or more of the respective membership fee payable by them during the year. 
  • if one Board role is held by two or more individuals, such individuals can share the rebate between them as the burden of performing the role is shared between them.

In accordance with article 14.3 of the Club’s Constitution “Additions to, or alterations of the constitution shall be submitted to the Secretary not less than 10 (ten) days before the date of the meeting. No resolution involving an amendment to the constitution may be proposed or amended from the floor of a meeting.” If any members wish to propose a constitutional amendment please send it by contacting the club by 23:59 on 16 November 2023, at the latest. You can find a copy of the Constitution on the club’s website (click to view).