Herts Baseball Club has confirmed that its 15th Annual General Meeting will take place on Sunday, 11 December 2011. Apart from end of year financial and other reports from the club’s various departments, the meeting will also look forward to the 2012 season with an open forum for members to examine the most central topics for Herts Baseball ahead of the new baseball season.
During the meeting club members will be asked to elect the members of the Board for the forthcoming year. Nominations for Board members are currently invited and those who are interested to put their name forward can contact the club for more details.
Although only 2011 paying members have the right to vote at this AGM, the meeting is very much open to former members and those who are considering joining, the club in 2012 as players, members of staff, volunteers etc. This is a good opportunity for newcomers to learn more about the club and meet its members. The meeting is also open to observers who are not members of the Club, but they would need to advise the club in advance as spaces are limited. If you are not a current member and wish to attend the AGM please contact the club.
This year the AGM will be held at a new venue, just a few minutes away from Grovehill Ballpark. The venue is the Apsley Commuity Centre.
Time, Date, Venue Details, Map:
TIME: 1pm (expected to end at around 4:30pm-5:00pm)
DATE: Sunday, 11 December 2011
VENUE: Apsley Community Association, Apsley Community Centre, London Road, Apsley, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP3 9SB (Map)