Category: Club News


A few minutes ago we received confirmation from Australia that legendary Herts slugger, John del Borrello and his wife, Natalie, have had their second child.

Luke was born at 4.04am on Valentines Day (Feb 14th) 8 pounds 6 ounces.  Both he and Nat are fine.

The Herts Newswire takes the opportunity, on behalf of all its readers, to congratulate Natalie and John (not forgetting Jade who now has a little brother). 

It is unclear why this information is reaching us with a month’s delay.  We will have to appoint a new Newswire reporter Down Under.



Over the years Herts Baseball Club has played an important part in the community throughout Dacorum Borough Council where the club’s baseball complex is based.  In 2003 the club’s contribution was acknowledged with the presentation of the “Club of the Year Award” by Sir Henry Cooper.


The club is keen to increase its role in the County and last month took part in the creation of the Dacorum Sports Network.  The unveiling of the Sports Network was done by the Mayor of Dacorum, Cllr Brian Ayling, who was particularly enthusiastic about the potential good the DSN could do for sport within the borough.


“This network in Dacorum has been so meticulously planned and developed that it's going to hit the ground running,” he said.  “Already there is a local structure for interaction between sports groups in Dacorum, reaching out into the broader spectrum of Hertfordshire and even nationally – that's the way to start.  “What particularly enthuses me is that this organisation here in Dacorum and nationally has no age or physical demarkations.  “What a wonderful concept and what a wonderful tribute to those involved. “I believe we are in a great position to contribute to the community of Dacorum and to represent the aims and aspirations of all the sports people (within the borough).”


The official DSN logo was unveiled by the Mayor in front of the local media.  The line up also included two members of the Herts Baseball Little League (See extract from the article in the Hemel Gazette).

Lee Manning and Jo Smith receive

2003 Dacorum Club of the year Award

from legendary boxer, Sir Henry Cooper.




Herts Baseball Club returned early for training this year.  The official baseball spring training sessions begin on 10 February but the team managers decided that it was important to get players ready and fit for the 2008 season by organizing several conditioning sessions ahead of the baseball-specific preparations. 


From these sessions it has become clear that there are some pretty decent basketball and dodgeball players among the club’s baseball players.  This applies not only to the adult players but to the Little Leaguers who were very keen to get involved alongside the big boys and girls. 


Playing other work-intensive sports such as basketball is proving to be a lot of fun.  Players are also benefiting from some more specific drills set by the club’s fitness guru, Dan Kerry.  The first one or two weeks after the long winter break are always demanding on the body, but players will definitely feel the difference when they start to notice that everything seems physically easier this year then in previous years and that the number of injuries has reduced significantly.


One thing is for sure, having seen the kind of effort that the players are putting in, the players mean business and the rest of the league better be prepared for the Herts teams.




Herts Baseball Club has taken the initiative to introduce a new event to the British baseball calendar – the Herts Spring League (HSL).  The club hopes that this would become an annual competition similar to the Grapefruit and Cactus Leagues in America.  HSL would provide a competitive edge to spring training as clubs count down to Opening Day and hopefully will enhance the enjoyment of all participants.


12 teams will be placed in two divisions of six teams (HSL1 and HSL2) based on the teams’ ranking going into the new season.  HSL1 is expected to include BBF teams from the National and Premier Leagues, while HSL2 will have teams from Division 1 and Division 2.


The 12 invited teams will be from the BBF Southern Conference with emphasis on London and the surrounding areas. 


The league will be played over three Sundays: 30 March, 6 April and 13 April (based on the assumption that 2008 BBF League Opening Day will be Sunday, 20 or 27 April 2008).


On each of these dates three teams will meet at the same venue and will play two games (one game against each of the other two teams).  The games will be either 7 innings or 2 hours and 30 minutes, whichever occurs first.


Stay tuned to the Herts Newswire for confirmation of the HSL team line-up, game schedule and other details.



Today, Hertfordshire Baseball Club unveiled exciting plans for the development and expansion of its baseball field.


Grovehill Ballpark, which is located in Hemel Hempstead on the outskirts of London, has been the home of the Falcons since 1996. 


Over the last twelve months Herts Baseball Club has seen a dramatic increase in new members joining the club and is on track to introduce a third adult team to the British Baseball League in 2008.  This, combined with the start of the Herts Little League, has meant that Grovehill Ballpark is too small to accommodate the club’s rapid expansion.




Plans are already in place to build one of the best baseball complexes in the country.  The project is to be implemented in several stages which include the creation of the second diamond, building of permanent outfield fence for both baseball diamonds, and finally, steps will be undertaken for the long-term improvement of the turf quality of both fields.


On Little League Game Days the ballpark will be turned into a baseball paradise for the kids with a capacity of as many as 6 Little League fields all of which would have permanent backstops.



If Herts Baseball Club is selected to host the BBF Youth or Adult National Finals then there is the additional option of creating a temporary third field, which would also have a permanent wall covering around 60% of the outfield boundary.



In advance of our busiest season with our greatest-ever level of membership, a more expansive and fluid website was in order. After some deliberation by the Executive Committee, and the input of many club members, we are pleased to unveil the new look of Herts Baseball.

New features include:

new logos and team pages
The Herts Baseball Club has adopted a new Club logo, and new logos for each of its three teams, the Falcons, Hawks and Raptors. Now each of these squads has its own homepage, as does the newly formed Herts Little League programme. Visit these individual pages for team rosters, player stats and the season schedule and results.

the introduction of the Herts Baseball Newswire
The Newswire will allow our volunteer correspondents to post game reports, Club news, and even photo albums for the entire organisation to access. Like the now well-established Forum, the Newswire has several categories of information and the latest news is instantly highlighted on our Club and Team homepages. For the tech savvier of you, note the RSS feed capabilities so you can customize how and when you are notified of new content on the 'Wire'.

Archive news reports from past Herts Baseball seasons have already been posted on the Newswire. Take a walk down memory lane as you read up on the 2004, 2005 and 2006 seasons.

NOTE:  Club members can REGISTER with the Newswire, and thereby set themselves up to post comments on articles and join in discussion about controversial and interesting topics.

enhanced use of YouTube's video galleries
As videography becomes a more consistent feature of the Herts Baseball Club we're finding better and more efficient ways of delivering the content to your desktop. The Club now has a dedicated YouTube channel ( to which we'll post every new segment.

But you needn't navigate away from the HBC site to watch this content – we will increasingly use custom video galleries embedded right in our own Gallery, like this one from the 2007 Awards Night.

player profile pages on the team rosters
The most requested feature previously missing from our website…? A little more ego stroking (as if the stats, game reports and photo galleries weren't enough)!

With the help of Hunter Devine, individual player profile pages have been added to the team roster pages. These, you will see, are merely copies of the stat highlights from the Awards Night roll call. In the coming months Hunter and the webmasters will continue to develop a system by which current and past season stats can be displayed on individual player pages, together with a photo and some more personalized content. For example, did you know that Aspi's favourite meal is macaroni and cheese with a cup of Pepsi?

Throughout the season and in the years to come we will continue to develop our website, the Newswire and the Forum. These three tools offer very different, but important means for Club communication. If you have any suggestions at all, discover any 'dead' links, or have some great content to add, don't hesitate to contact our webmasters, Jason and Kimi.


Herts Baseball will face the upcoming 2008 season with a brand new managerial team. This was one among the number of pivotal decisions reached at the Annual General Meeting of Herts Baseball Club that took place on Sunday, 11 November 2007.

The new managers elected by the Club are: Jason Greenberg (Herts Falcons), Carlos Casal (Herts Hawks) and Jake Kikel (Herts Raptors).

Jason and Carlos were elected to replace the outgoing managers Bruce Dullea and Paul Auchterlounie, while Jake was selected to handle the Herts’ new expansion team, the Raptors. Everybody at the Club was fully appreciative of the hard work and experience that Bruce and Paul

had brought to the Club as managers in 2007. The feeling was well summarized by Club Secretary Aspi Dimitrov: “The Club owes Bruce and Paul a debt of gratitude for leading the two teams in 2007 – one of the most successful seasons in the Club’s history. As a board member, I was in a privileged position to have witnessed first hand how they dealt with various issues during the season, including some really classy moves and decisions, details of which unfortunately will have to be kept confidential at Board level. I am sure that the new managers will be able to consult with Bruce and Paul on a regular basis and use the knowledge that they have gained in their time as managers”.

The choice of new management reflected the new sense of purpose and determination that the Club members had shown throughout last season, and was predicated on the targets for new development and achievement that the Club is looking for in the new season. According to sources close to the Club management, the “task of the new management team” would be to “make playing for the Club an enjoyable, but at the same time, competitive experience”.

The membership’s enthusiasm for the new season was also reflected in the fact that all three managers will be provided with able and keen assistance from a number of volunteer deputies, so that the workload will be spread throughout the ranks in the Club.

Pundits have been reluctant to go out on a limb about the new appointments, but as one expert pointed out: “It will come, and when it comes, it’s going to be good”.

this article was posted on behalf of the author, Kal Dimitrov


At its regular Annual General Meeting, Herts Baseball Club approved a decision to establish a third team for the upcoming season 2008. The team will be called “The Raptors”, and it is anticipated that it will play in either the British Baseball Federation First or Second Division. A final confirmation of the Raptors’ involvement in the BBF league will be made early in 2008.

The new team will allow not only increased playing time for all members, but will represent a valuable addition to the continuously expanding Herts Baseball Club. It will also provide a pool of highly competitive players for the other two teams, as well as put pressure on the players in those two teams to perform better.

this article was posted on behalf of the author, Kal Dimitrov


Herts Baseball Club confirmed its intentions to actively pursue the continuation and expansion of the Herts Baseball Little League by appointing the “masterminds” of Herts youth baseball – Lee Manning and Marty Cullen – as Vice Presidents-Little League Operations for the upcoming 2008 season.

In a sneak preview of the upcoming Little League events, Cullen and Manning indicated that “Some great things are in store for the kids in 2008. The Little League will provide a great way for kids between 7 and 13 year olds to enjoy baseball throughout the summer, whilst providing that experience with a keen competitive edge. The club will release more details soon so stay tuned to

this article was posted on behalf of the author, Kal Dimitrov



Jason Greenberg
Batting Champion
Andy Cornish (Avg .506)
Infield Gold Glove
Kimiyoshi Saionji (F% .985)
Outfield Gold Glove
Andy Cornish (F% .920)
Best Pitcher
Nic Goetz (ERA 3.71)
Home Run Champion
Jason Greenberg (4)
Home Run Champion
Andy Cornish (4)
Most Stolen Bases
Yuji Endo (25)
Most RBIs
Jason Greenberg (30)
Most RBIs
Andy Cornish (30)
Coach's Award
John Oliver
Rodney Naghar
Batting Champion
Peter Kikel (Avg .455)
Infield Gold Glove
Ross Davies (F% .976)
Outfield Gold Glove
Dave Hamilton (F% .800)
Best Pitcher
Larry Martillo (ERA 6.48)
Most Stolen Bases
Ross Davies (19)
Most RBIs
Kal Dimitrov (11)
Rookie of the Year
Chantal Gerrard
Most Improved Player
Jonathon Lewys


Nob-Out – Lee locking his car keys and home keys in his car and deciding to solve the problem by taking a (-5) aluminium bat to smash the car window and ending up bending the metal frame of the car door with his “Major League” follow-through.

Play of the Year – Short Stop Yuji Endo making a full-length dive towards third base, stopping the ball, springing up and making a great throw to get the out at first.

Umpire of the Year – Geoff, good calls, bad calls, ugly calls…